
Do's and Dont's for a successful session

More than 75,000 decision makers took part at our events over the last 20 years. We took their feedback and complied a short summary of criticism and positive aspects to give you a short guide when working out your presentation. We will check your input as per above guidelines and support you the best way possible to make your session one to remember!

Your team of the Vogel IT-Akademie


  • Take it literally: Outline your topic with a dose of suspense and value – feel free to do so by being even provocative or posing a question! A well created headline certainly will make participants curious about yourself and your presentation.

  • Less is more: Please adjust your content and number of slides to the time given and allow 2-3 minutes for questions.

  • Best Practice: Do show at least one use case or a peer reference, let people know of your expertise and please do provide new insights.

  • Know-how: Make sure you present your expertise and valuable knowledge. Please do not repeat content or definitions, that have already been covered in the keynote sessions.


  • WHY? HOW? WHAT? While creating your session it might be supportive if you ask yourself some of the following questions: What is your "mission statement"? What do you believe in? Which ways do you propose to your customers? What exactly do you do as a company/person? 

  • Announced topic: Please do cover the topic that has been referred to in the agenda.

  • Pimp Your PPT: Take advantage of the tools given, i.e. including pictures, videos or a live poll to catch your audience! 

For Virtual Conferences:

  • Best Scene: Put yourself into the spot light! This includes i.e. a "calm" background, business (casual) dress code, high-quality technical equipment (webcam, headset, microphone) and focus on yourself and your presentation.


  • First impressions lasts: Vendor and product names used in the headline suggest a sales session – just don't do it.

  • Keep it simple! Try not to include too many English slides or slides that are packed with TMI; details referring to your company and products should be kept at a minimum (at the end of the presentation).

  • Buzzwords are not en vogue: You catch everyone's attention when not using them.

  • No excuses: Should you be obliged to use slides in English or should you cover for another colleague or similar, please do not apologize! 

  • Twice is once too many: We will introduce you to the audience. That means you can kick off with your content.

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